Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Two Announcements

I have exciting news to share with you...some of it isn't 'new' news, but it's 'new' in the sense that I haven't gotten around to blogging about it yet.

Here we go:

1) We found a place to live in Raleigh! Yes, that's right. After all that back-and-forth about whether we should get a house, an apartment, or a cardboard box...haha just kidding about the cardboard box part. But there really was a lot of pain-in-the-ass apartment/house hunting involved, and we even considered living in a hotel for a while.

Matty and I assumed we would be living on our own when we moved to Raleigh. We figured we'd find an apartment near school and just deal with not having a yard for the dogs. We'd all adjust to going on lots of walks with lots of leash time...as opposed to free range yard time, which is what they have here in St. Kitts.

Well, pretty much everything about that above statement has changed. Not only are we not going to be living in an apartment, we're going to have roommates! Yes, that's right. Who is brave enough to move in with us, you ask? Rhiannon and Sami...and their two dogs, Duffy and Taygan! Yes, you're right again. That will be four adults and four dogs under one roof. However, our new place is large enough for our zoo craziness. See description below: 

The house is almost 2000 square feet, has a huge sunroom, a large backyard with a big oak tree...it has three bedrooms and two full baths, there's a washer/dryer available, annnnnnd we're five minutes away from NC State, which is great for Matty and Rhiannon. The house is a bit older than what I had originally wanted, but I think once we move in, furnish it, and get some DIYing under our belt, it'll feel more and more like home.

So what does this mean? It means that you should come visit me while my students are away doing nerdy vet student things. :)

Our future Raleigh home.

Onto more news...

2) Matty and I have officially adopted a cat. You've probably heard me mention him before, but Kittsy will be coming back to Michigan with us. He was just at the vet last week getting the necessary vaccines and paperwork to be okayed for travel. I consider him our little SK souvenir.

Kittsy...doing what he does best.

So that's the update for now: a place to live (finally), and a new (furry) family member.


  1. Congrats on all accounts! Love Kittsy. Where did you get her name?

    1. Thanks lady. :)

      Well, I was calling him 'Kittitian' for a few days and then realized it was too long, so we shortened it to Kittsy.
