Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend and Special Visitor

For Thanksgiving this year, Rhiannon and Lindsay, invited us to their house to celebrate. Everyone brought a dish to pass and we feasted like fatty fatties! I failed to get a group photo, but there were about twenty of us for dinner. It was a super relaxing evening. Although we missed our traditional Michigan Thanksgiving, as well as the company of our close family and friends, we still managed to enjoy ourselves. Not to mention that Sami surprised Rhiannon and flew in from Florida for the Thanksgiving weekend! Wahoo!

The rest of the weekend involved a trip to Fat Tuesday, the usual Friday night volleyball matches down at The Strip, dinner with Rhiannon, Sami, Tiffany, and Matthew at Pub on the Side, and shots at Bobsy's!

Heading to Fat Tuesday for an after-school cocktail. Holla!
Sami, me, and Matty
Rhiannon, Matty, and Sami
Tiffany and the bear/monkey from Pub on the Side. LOL!
Shots at Bobsy's! Matthew looks excited...Rhiannon looks nervous. Hahahaa!