Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sea Glass Beach

Before leaving St. Kitts, Matthew and I made it a priority to visit what I call 'Sea Glass Beach.' Being a bit of an arts & crafts hoarder, it was imperative that I visit said beach and collect as much sea glass as possible. While I didn't have any specific plans for the pieces, I wanted to have options for projects once I got back into the States. So I guess you could say I was...stocking up. Yep, stocking, not hoarding. Just so we're clear...

Pretty day for a little sea glass hunting.

Look at all of that! I was in sea glass heaven.

View of the other end of the beach.

Interesting rock formation.

Jackpot, baby.


  1. Hi, what beautiful pictures. Ran across your blog as I am searching for sea glass beaches in St. Kitts. I was wondering if you could tell me the name of your sea glass beach. Thank you. my email address is Tracy M.

    1. Thanks; the beach doesn't actually have a name. I can give you directions to it, if you'd like...

    2. I'm leaving for St Kitts this Saturday and would love to know where this beach is located! Thanks in advance.

    3. Hey Josh! Feel free to email me at if you'd like directions!

  2. Hi there! I would also like to know where this beach is for my next visit. Can no longer spend great deal of time just lolling in the sun, due to allergic skin, so find myself always ready to explore and engage in alternate activities. I like the idea of collecting sea-glass, and fashioning into souvenirs for family and friends.

    1. Of course! Please email me at Thanks!

  3. Awesome. I personaly love your pages a lot of info. If anyone goes in the Caribbean here is a great site I found with listing of all , Magazines etc. Very Cool stuff.

  4. You are so lucky. I would just love to visit that beach.
