Friday, January 27, 2012


It's a dark day on the island. I woke up to texts, phone calls, Facebook updates, and official news stating that our much loved friend, Elvis, was shot last night. Owner of Elvis' Love Shack on The Strip, he happily welcomed Ross students and spouses---any day or night of the week. We all loved him. And now our hearts are broken.

Greg, a Ross student and friend, posted the following as his Facebook status update. I thought it was really heartfelt, so I wanted to share it.

January 20, 2012, 10:00 a.m.
G: ...You not opening up yet?
E: Not until this afternoon. Nobody here 'til then.
G: But isn't there a ship in? I saw tourists walking around this morning.
E: Eh Nah, the students, ya'll are my people.

RIP, Elvis. You were a favorite among our Ross community. Saint Kitts will not be the same without you, and my heart goes out to your family.

Elvis is in the red shirt, posing with a ton of VIPs. This party was held for our former VIP Coordinator, Lindsay, next to him in the blue.  

We love you, Elvis! You are deeply missed!
This was taken last January, when I first arrived on the island. Elvis always took great care in looking after we spouses. 


Only in Saint Kitts...

Recently, Stephanie and I made a trip out to Karron's, a little fabric store in Basseterre. She needed to purchase a few things for a sewing project, (to be explained in a future post), and since I was involved in said project, I tagged along. While in line to purchase her items, Stephanie noticed a funny roll of fabric on a shelf near the ceiling.

Me: Out of curiosity, what is that used for?
Cashier: I don't know, (and now yelling across the store), Heeeey heeeeey! What is that up there? Yeah! That up there! The black thing with metal pieces!!!! What do you use it for?
Other Employee: (Yelling), I don't know!!!! ...And I don't know how much it is either!!
Me and Steph: Yeah, okay. Thanks. Have a great day!

A few days later, Matthew and I went to IGA to pick up a few groceries. When we got in line to pay for our goods, I found it silly that there was a cashier and a designated bagger...who did nothing but stare at me as I basically bagged my own groceries and placed them into my cart to leave. Oh wait---I misspoke. I forgot to mention that the bagger felt the need to give me unsolicited instructions while I was doing her job.

Earlier this week, Matthew brought our car to the gas station. In Saint Kitts, there are gas pumpers, which is actually kind of nice...when they aren't taking the initiative to tip themselves. Matthew asked for 60 EC, and when he started to drive away, he noticed that the attendant only filled the tank up to 50 EC and pocketed the rest.

I can't help but shake my head and roll my eyes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A Ladies of Leisure conversation after hours of snorkeling...

Me: Stephanie, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?

Stephanie: Eh, I dunno. I haven't napped yet.

Me: Oooh oooh yeah, let's not forget about that. Great idea! [Nodding in agreement and total seriousness.]


Matthew: Babe, I'm going to work out in the living room. I need the TV.

Me: Oh, alright. Well, I guess I'll take a nap or read in the bedroom.

Matthew: You don't have to do that. You can chill on the couch and read if you want.

Me: Really? You won't be bothered by me and my candy bar?

Matthew: No, of course not. [Insert smirk here.] I just feel bad for you and your unhealthy choices.

Me: Yeah yeah yeah. Go work out, fatty.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Only in Saint Kitts

Matthew and I were driving home one day, and this guy and his "Chevy" truck was in front of us...OISK!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Last year, I was asked to substitute teach at Ross' Prep School. For about nine weeks, I came in to sub for the fifth and six graders on Friday afternoons. One of the hours was P.E., and being in sunny Saint Kitts, that class is always held outside, unless it's raining.

Jada: Miss Catherine?
Me: Yes?
Jada: You're really sparkly and shimmery in the sun.
Me: Thanks.
Jada: Are you sweating?
Me: Nope.
Jada: ...
Me: No, I'm not a vampire either.
Jada: Oh...(awkward, disappointed giggle).

I blame my adult friends for failing to inform me that I wear too much bronzer. Sure guys, leave it up to a 5th grader to let me know. At least her first thought was that I was related to the Cullens, and not Mimi from The Drew Carey Show.

How to be a 'Housewife' Part II

Last year, I wrote a blog post regarding my new "housewife" lifestyle. Hahahahahahha. What a joke. I decided to revisit this because I personally feel that I have come a long way since last January. While all of the information in that old blog post was true, I find that in retrospect, it sounds as if I did not have much faith in myself.  In fact, it sounds like maybe I was a little scared of my new life. Funny right? Especially since I have always deemed myself as someone who is open to change, and someone who eases into new environments well. How little I knew back then; it's amazing how much change one year can bring. I think self-reflection is a good thing, and I hope in the future to look back on this current year and say that I lived and learned.

A year ago, I took pride in the fact that Matthew took care of me, that he cooked, he cleaned, he studied, and I helped a little here and there. With this new year, I take pride that I can take care of him. I cook, I clean, I take the dogs to the beach, I go to the grocery store, I write the menu, and I keep our home in an orderly fashion. I would also like to note that the dishes and laundry never end---and I'm not even a mother yet!

Let's not kid ourselves, though. Matthew is still very involved in the household duties. While I have taken over as Creative Director in the kitchen, he manages to keep me on track by offering to split up chores. Exhibit A can be found here. And we go to the grocery store together. Unfortunately, grocery shopping is still something that I do not prefer to do alone.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that I've made a successful transition into a new level of wifely duties. My mindset is no longer That's his job; this is my job. It's now more along the lines of, We're a team, and this is my part, but if I need help, he will be there...and vice versa. I feel that our relationship has grown because of my new upgraded mindset. Hooray!

Alright, that's all. Kind of a boring post, but I felt it was share-worthy.

Beginning of 5th Semester & Mr. RUSVM

At the beginning of each semester, the classes compete in Semester Olympics. The sports this time were soccer, kickball, and flag football. And per usual, the Mr. RUSVM event, was held at the end of the week. Since we hadn't been to a Mr. Ross since last January, Matthew and I decided to go this time so that we could support our friend, Stephanie and her husband, Rob. Stephanie is a VIP like me, and Rob is in 2nd Semester. Of course, we were also cheering on Matthew's fellow classmate, Joey, because he was the contestant for 5th. The winner of this semester's Mr. RUSVM turned out to be the contestant from 7th...but I think Michael from 4th semester did the best. Rob did a great job too!

I didn't get to take a lot of fun photos because my camera, for whatever reason, is inept at taking pictures at night, but do feel free to click here to read Stephanie's blog post. It's hilarious!

Here's the stage...excuse the Kittitian in the bottom corner of this photo. That's Slicky Ricky.

Kind of dark, but there are a few contestants in here along with Chad Nishi, the crowned winner from last semester's Mr. RUSVM pageant. 

There's Rob in the bathing suit! One of his skits was the "Single Ladies" parody from SNL. HILARIOUS!

Mateo, Rhiannon, and me

Tony and Mateo

Original Penguin!

Rob and Mateo at Bamboo Lounge for the After Partay.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Grande Parade of Troupes

I should have posted this link before, but here is the St. Kitts schedule of events for this last Carnival season.

On January 2nd, I joined Matthew and his Orientation Group to watch the Grande Parade of Troupes in Basseterre. The music was blaring, there was a lot of booty-shaking by Kittitians of all ages, a never-ending sea of brightly-colored costumes, and a lot of drinking. It was basically a day-time J'ouvert.

Here's Matthew's Orientation Group with their driver, Sackville.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Matthew: Alright, time to get up and off of the computer.

Me: I'm working.

Matthew: No, you're blogging. Move it. You need to do the dishes, and I'm going to sweep. It's time to clean.

Me: I hate doing dishes. I'd rather sweep.

Matthew: I'm better at sweeping.

Me: Technically, you're better at sweeping and dish duty, so you might as well do both.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Photos of our Christmas Tree from 2011

Remember this post about our Caribbean Christmas tree...or branch rather?

Well, Diana just recently emailed me the photos from when Brigett and I were hacking down our "trees."

I know Christmas is over, but I still had to share these:

Hacking down our branches...
This photo cracks me up...look at that machete! 

So happy with our new Christmas "trees!"

Happy NYE and Happy NY!

Matthew is an Orientation Leader again this break, and his group of newbies flew in on December 29th. Needless to say, he's been busy getting them adjusted to island life, all while making sure they still have a good time. Since the students didn't have anything school-related on their schedules until yesterday, January 3rd, they were able to explore, beach it, and enjoy the island with little stress.

We brought them to The Strip to ring in the new year. A lot of other groups went there too, so it was nice to celebrate with a large crowd.

Me and Tiffany.
Group of people celebrating...

Matty's Orientation group