Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Weekend on the Rock

Milo, Trooper, and I arrived on-island January 15th, 2011, which was a Saturday. After Mateo and I unpacked and did some quick organizing, we met some of his fellow classmates/friends at Cathy's—a restaurant on The Strip at Timothy's Beach. Since we were running behind, his friends ordered ahead for us and we had a Red Snapper for dinner. It was pretty delicious. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take a picture of the googly-eyed fish.

After dinner, we headed to Royal St. Kitts Hotel & Casino for Mr. RUSVM. At the beginning of each term, 'Semester Olympics' are held, and students from their respective classes compete in various events. Money is awarded to whatever semester wins. Mr. RUSVM is one of the events, along with sporting activities like flag football, ultimate frisbee, soccer, etc.
Anywho, Mr. RUSVM is similar to a male pageant, I suppose. One male from each semester is nominated to compete. The event held three segments.

1. Which Disney Princess Are You?
2. Your Favorite Movie in 30 seconds or less.
3. What would you be doing to make money if you weren't at Ross?

A lot of the students attend Mr. RUSVM, and I ran into a few friends (Michaelene and Tony), that I had met in April 2010.

On Sunday, we got out the dog hair clippers and gave Trooper a haircut inspired by the Chinese Crested dog breed. Super Trooper was just too hot, and we really didn't have a choice. He had panted all Saturday night, and just didn't seem to find a way to cool down. So...chop chop went his hair.

The rest of the day was spent taking a trip to Port Zante for some ice cream at a cute little parlor called 'Scoops.' We also enjoyed a leisurely walk around Basseterre. A point of interest here, is the 'The Circus.' It is situated in the center of a round-a-bout and features a historic clock tower/water fountain known as the Berkley Memorical Clock. Supposedly it is modeled after Piccadilly in London.

That last few photos are of me in an old British telephone booth and of Matthew at 'Pizza Boys' where we had lunch.

This is the venue that held Mr. RUSVM (Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine).

3rd Semester's skit of Beauty and the Beast.

Michaelene playing The Beast. Check out that hair!

3rd Semester again. Happy Gilmore skit, featuring Tony.

Inside an old British phone booth.

Matty at Pizza Boys.

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