Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Matinee

St. Kitts has a movie theatre. Let me repeat: St. Kitts has a movie theatre. Annnnd, it's very similar to one you'd go to in the US.

Matthew loves movies, so naturally, we went to see one today. After our little jaunt at North Friars Beach—we went home, he studied, and I blogged. Eventually we decided on a movie and a time, and hopped back into the Suzuki.

Let me state now, that when I write that 'we' chose a movie, and that 'we' picked a time—I really mean that Matthew decided on the movie and the time. Our friends and family from back home won't be surprised by this.

I wanted to see Burlesque so naturally, we saw The Green Hornet instead, and we attended the 2:00 p.m. showing. The movie was entertaining, and the popcorn was fresh. I was a happy camper. No complaints.


  1. Oh, I wish you could experience the old movie theater. It was the definition of sketchy. Cockroaches roaming the floor, chairs would break while you sat in them, only snacks availble were stale popcorn, beer and maybe a Snickers, and there was intermission so they could change the movie reel mid-movie. Oh, and did I mention Spanish subtitles? Good times!

  2. LOL. That definitely sounds like an adventure! Where was the old theatre?
