Friday, November 30, 2012

Black Semester Banquet

On Saturday, November 24th, we attended Matthew's banquet celebration. This particular event is essentially the end-all party of the semester. Technically, we do have several parties after banquet, but this one is different. It's always held in the evening and everyone gets what I call, island fancy. The boys get out their ties and long pants, and the girls pull out their high heels and wedges from the back of the closet. (We don't normally wear heels down here unless for special occasions...flippies are our staple. Sand, rocks, get the idea.) We all know we're going to sweat our asses off, and that for us girls, our makeup is going to melt, but we deal with it. We deal with it, because we must. It's tradition; it's island fancy...or vain stupidity. However you want to look at it. Anyway, in addition to our sweaty selves, there's always dj music, food, booze, lots of dancing, and for some—a feeling of sentimentality floating in the air. It's pretty much a guaranteed good time.

Just like Pink Semester's banquet in July, Matthew's class chose Spice Mill as the venue. Since this restaurant is situated on Cockleshell Beach, we had a beautiful view of Nevis, as well as the serene coastline scenery of the peninsula. And what I love most about nighttime beach parties like this one, is that I always have the option to escape the loudness of the crowd. I can head to the shore and listen to the waves crawl and crash their way onto the beach.  S u p e r.  R e l a x i n g. 

Overall, we had a great time, but it was a little surreal to be there. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that Matthew and his classmates are almost finished with their 7th semester. Amazing! But sad. But amazing!

Here are a few photos from the event...

Group picture @ Timothy Hill scenic turn-out.
Photo credit: Paul Orchard
Photo credit: Paul Orchard
Photo credit: Paul Orchard
Photo credit: Paul Orchard

Lindsay, Rhiannon, me.
Matty G. & Matty D. are having a great time! Can't you tell?
Photo credit: Paul Orchard


I think this {Conversations} also falls into the OISK category.

Scene: After making my way out of the ladies' room at Jam Rock and heading towards Daisy and Abby who are having lunch.

Random Kittitian man: Heyyyy Chinese-face!
Me: Excuse me?
RKM: I say heeyyyy girl.
Me: Hi.
RKM: Weh you frohm?
Me: The US.
RKM: Yeah? Weh?
Me: you know where that is?
RKM: Yeh...naw.
Me: Okay.
RKM: But weh you relly from? You lok like uh mixed breed, girl.
Me: My mother is filipino.
RKM: An yo daddy?
Me: He's polish, mostly.
RKM: Girrrll ya wan ta mek mixed babys wid me?
Me: No, no thank you.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Yesterday, Matty and I celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with our friends, Matt G. and Tiffany. Usually we go to a big potluck gathering, but this year we decided to keep it small and intimate. Our menu consisted of hummus, turkey, loaded mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, butternut squash, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Can you say delicious??

After dinner, we cleaned up and put out a few Christmas decorations around their house with Christmas music booming in our ears! It was really fun, and I realized how much I'm looking forward to going back to Michigan for the holiday. I even miss the snow...but only just a little.

Later on, we decided to go see the last Twilight movie...I'm not yet quite sure how I feel about the movie yet, but it was a nice ending to a lovely evening!

View from Tiff and Matt's balcony.

Thanksgiving meal.

Having just about three weeks or so left, it was really nice to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Tiff and Matt. So thankful for their friendship!

Caribbean Sunset

Earlier this week, Matty and I got in the truck and headed to South Friar's to watch the sunset. 

Pretty, right? Only 26 more days of enjoying Caribbean views like these...


One evening while Matthew was telling me all about his exciting day at vet school...

Matthew: It was a CRAZY day!
Me: Oh yeah?
Matthew: For sure. Just as I was leaving they decided to remove the forelimbs of this dog.
{Cue confused and terrified expression on my face.}
Me: WHAT?!
Matthew: Yeah, they had to get rid of them.
Me: But but but...all four limbs? What's the point of that? He'll be a nugget!
Me: You said they will be removing the dog's four limbs. That's so sad! Why do you think this is okay?!
Matthew:...Baaaabe. Nooooo. Forelimbs. FORElimbs...his front legs.
Me: Oh...OH!
{Cue relief and slightly put-off attitude.}
Me: Well. You know how I feel about vet-speak in the house.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Craigslist: Please Disclose if You're Asian

So, as you know, Matthew and I are headed to North Carolina sometime in January for about a year while he completes his clinical requirements. Due to this upcoming move, I've been scouring the internet for housing options. Craigslist, of course, has been a rather interesting resource. As I was perusing the listings from today, I stumbled across this little gem:

Sounds fairly normal, right? Well, sort of. Here's my question: Why is it relevant to disclose that the roommate is a 'straight Asian male.' I don't get it? My husband thinks it's because we're, (meaning me and the rest of the Asian population), are either angry or crazy—and that's why it's relevant. Oh he's sooo funny. Har. Har. Har.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today, at the 7th Semester (Yard) Sales...

Rachel: Heyyyyy. You two look like you need a cupcake.
Matthew: Nah, I'm good.
Me: Oooh tempting...but no. No thank you.
Rachel: Are you sure? They're delicious. They're pumpkin with cream cheese frosting...homemade.
Me: Are you sure you don't want one, Matty? Pumpkin-anything is your favorite.
Matthew: No, no. I'm fine.
Me: Rachel, I'll buy one and he can decide if he wants it later.
Rachel: Sweet. $5 EC please.
Me: Great, thanks!
Matthew: Nom Nom Nom. 

*I proceed to give Rachel the cash and turn in a matter of 5 seconds...*

Me: Matthew! You didn't even save me one bite!
Matthew: What? You said you bought it for me.
Me: Jerk.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

WIVC Brimstone Gala 2012

Last week, RUSVM hosted the West Indies Veterinary Conference. Veterinarians and Ross alumni from all over (the world?) flew to St. Kitts to attend this week-long event. Someday Matthew and I hope to do the same. He can go to the continuing education segments, and I'll do...what I do now. :)

On Friday, our good friends Shane and Cristina invited us to attend the Brimstone Gala with them, (which was the closing event for the vet conference). Having never been to Brimstone Hill Fortress at night, it was quite the sight to see. It was absolutely beautiful and the view of the sunset was amazing! Just thinking about how nice this evening was, is making me feel sad about leaving our tropical island home in 36 days.

Here are some photos from the soiree. Enjoy!

Seriously. How pretty is this?

Matty, me, and lovely Rhiannon.

A group of Black Semester students and Dr. Wallace.

Shane, Cristina, me, and Matty.

Inside the tent.

After dinner, the stilt-walkers came out to entertain us. So tall!

Pretty cool, right? We had a lovely time, and we're so thankful that Shane and Cristina invited us to come along. :)

I'm Told: 36 Days

We only have about a month left to enjoy this view...

Halloween 2012

Happy {belated} Halloweenie! I doubt you remember last year's shenanigans, but we had a great time celebrating the holiday in St. Kitts. Since it was our first Halloween on-island, I wasn't sure what to expect, but we managed to take part in plenty of festivities. Remember when I entered Trooper into that pet costume contest and dressed him as a postal worker? Or when I went to all that trouble to sew my own mermaid tail so that Matty and I could dress as a fisherman and his 'catch of the day?' We also opted to carve a pineapple instead of a pumpkin, (which was really easy). And lastly, we were invited to a Halloween event at Carambola Beach Club with Matt and Tiffany. Needless to say, it was an eventful holiday and just as fun as a typical Halloween in the U.S.A.

This year was equally as enjoyable as last year! The Saturday before Halloween, Matty and I joined our friends at Buddies for trivia night. We got a team together and tried our best, but we didn't manage to pull out a win. *sigh* OH! AND! There was a trivia question regarding my all-time favorite Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus. It asked what the cat's name was, to which I answered: Zachery Binx. WRONG! The answer is Thackery Binx. I am so disappointed in myself. Woe is me.

Moving on...there was also a zombie bar crawl at The Strip that evening, but we didn't partake in that event. However, those people ended up at Buddies for the after party, and there were some really creepy-looking zombies. I loved it!

NC State's upcoming wolf pack @ Buddies.

On the actual night of Halloween, Daisy and I headed to Shipwreck Beach Bar & Grill. We met up with a few other VIPs and began—what would be—a very long night. There was dj music, drinks, and lots of dancing. Need I say more? We had a BLAST! When we eventually left the beach, we drove all the way back to Camps, (where Daisy lives), to pick up Ericka so we could go to Bamboo Lounge for more drinks and really bad karaoke. That party was kind of lame, but at that point in the night, I don't think I really noticed. Hehe.

We didn't plan on dressing up, but I brought these props just for fun and just in case!

I'm not sure where the boys got a hold of this unicorn costume piece...but I loved it!

On Saturday, November 3rd, Matty and I went to a Haunted House Halloween party with our friends. The best part about it, was that we could walk to the party, due to the fact that the host lives in front of us. And that's when the responsible drinking began...

I didn't take a tour through the haunted house because I'm a scaredy cat, but I heard it was really cool and legit scary! Oh! And how could I forget to tell you all about our costumes? Wait for it...

You ready?


I dressed as a Toddlers & Tiaras' Contestant...and Matty was my 'stage dad.' Hilarious right? I thought so. A lot of people thought it was creepy, but that's the point. It's Halloween!

Oh yeah. Check us out! Matty has skittles and red bull in his hands. Baby needs her go-go juce!

Me and Daisy. (She was a fairy. Check out that tutu. Cute right?)

I already had the shoes...Daisy found the socks.

Well, that's the Halloween update. Just like last year, we had wayyyy too much fun. Now that it's over, I guess I better start thinking about next year's costumes...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pink Semester Banquet Photo

Remember when Matty and I went to Pink Semester's Banquet in July? We had such a fun time, despite the fact that I was ill for most of the evening. Ahhh, memories.

I have already shared photos from the event in a previous post, but I recently stumbled upon the picture below and thought to post it for your viewing pleasure. We might not get fancy often, but we clean up nicely. {Photo credit: Paul Orchard.}

From left to right, starting with back line: Dr. Mark Freeman, Nandra Morris, Tony Hall, me, and Matty.


Recently, Matty and I were at the grocery store when—for the very first time in the two years I've lived here—I noticed that they had papayas for sale. I thought it was fairly interesting because we have giant papaya trees in our yard. Originally we just had one cluster, but one day last year, Matthew tossed a few seeds on the ground near our stairs and covered them up with dirt. Well...boom! Before we knew it, another cluster of papaya trees sprouted right up! Not only are these trees beautiful, but they produce a lot of papayas...more than what we can handle sometimes. Also the monkeys love to steal them. Jerks.

Anyway, while I was in the store, I took a quick glance at the price. My jaw about dropped to the ground! The prices ranged from $20 EC to $50 EC, ($7 USD to $18 USD)! If I had known that this was the going rate, I would've constructed myself a little papaya stand a hell of a long time ago.

Papayas for sale @ IGA.

The price you pay for a delicious papaya...

One set of papaya trees in our yard. See all of the papayas?