Saturday, November 10, 2012

WIVC Brimstone Gala 2012

Last week, RUSVM hosted the West Indies Veterinary Conference. Veterinarians and Ross alumni from all over (the world?) flew to St. Kitts to attend this week-long event. Someday Matthew and I hope to do the same. He can go to the continuing education segments, and I'll do...what I do now. :)

On Friday, our good friends Shane and Cristina invited us to attend the Brimstone Gala with them, (which was the closing event for the vet conference). Having never been to Brimstone Hill Fortress at night, it was quite the sight to see. It was absolutely beautiful and the view of the sunset was amazing! Just thinking about how nice this evening was, is making me feel sad about leaving our tropical island home in 36 days.

Here are some photos from the soiree. Enjoy!

Seriously. How pretty is this?

Matty, me, and lovely Rhiannon.

A group of Black Semester students and Dr. Wallace.

Shane, Cristina, me, and Matty.

Inside the tent.

After dinner, the stilt-walkers came out to entertain us. So tall!

Pretty cool, right? We had a lovely time, and we're so thankful that Shane and Cristina invited us to come along. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the tent! It looks like a Hollywood party... famous you are!
