Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween 2012

Happy {belated} Halloweenie! I doubt you remember last year's shenanigans, but we had a great time celebrating the holiday in St. Kitts. Since it was our first Halloween on-island, I wasn't sure what to expect, but we managed to take part in plenty of festivities. Remember when I entered Trooper into that pet costume contest and dressed him as a postal worker? Or when I went to all that trouble to sew my own mermaid tail so that Matty and I could dress as a fisherman and his 'catch of the day?' We also opted to carve a pineapple instead of a pumpkin, (which was really easy). And lastly, we were invited to a Halloween event at Carambola Beach Club with Matt and Tiffany. Needless to say, it was an eventful holiday and just as fun as a typical Halloween in the U.S.A.

This year was equally as enjoyable as last year! The Saturday before Halloween, Matty and I joined our friends at Buddies for trivia night. We got a team together and tried our best, but we didn't manage to pull out a win. *sigh* OH! AND! There was a trivia question regarding my all-time favorite Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus. It asked what the cat's name was, to which I answered: Zachery Binx. WRONG! The answer is Thackery Binx. I am so disappointed in myself. Woe is me.

Moving on...there was also a zombie bar crawl at The Strip that evening, but we didn't partake in that event. However, those people ended up at Buddies for the after party, and there were some really creepy-looking zombies. I loved it!

NC State's upcoming wolf pack @ Buddies.

On the actual night of Halloween, Daisy and I headed to Shipwreck Beach Bar & Grill. We met up with a few other VIPs and began—what would be—a very long night. There was dj music, drinks, and lots of dancing. Need I say more? We had a BLAST! When we eventually left the beach, we drove all the way back to Camps, (where Daisy lives), to pick up Ericka so we could go to Bamboo Lounge for more drinks and really bad karaoke. That party was kind of lame, but at that point in the night, I don't think I really noticed. Hehe.

We didn't plan on dressing up, but I brought these props just for fun and just in case!

I'm not sure where the boys got a hold of this unicorn costume piece...but I loved it!

On Saturday, November 3rd, Matty and I went to a Haunted House Halloween party with our friends. The best part about it, was that we could walk to the party, due to the fact that the host lives in front of us. And that's when the responsible drinking began...

I didn't take a tour through the haunted house because I'm a scaredy cat, but I heard it was really cool and legit scary! Oh! And how could I forget to tell you all about our costumes? Wait for it...

You ready?


I dressed as a Toddlers & Tiaras' Contestant...and Matty was my 'stage dad.' Hilarious right? I thought so. A lot of people thought it was creepy, but that's the point. It's Halloween!

Oh yeah. Check us out! Matty has skittles and red bull in his hands. Baby needs her go-go juce!

Me and Daisy. (She was a fairy. Check out that tutu. Cute right?)

I already had the shoes...Daisy found the socks.

Well, that's the Halloween update. Just like last year, we had wayyyy too much fun. Now that it's over, I guess I better start thinking about next year's costumes...

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