Monday, December 31, 2012


Our trip from St. Kitts to Michigan went smoothly, more or less. We cleaned our apartment OCD-style, managed to pack up everything in four checked bags, loaded up our dogs into their crates, aced Kittsy, and then placed him into his cat carrier.

Matt G. and Tiffany drove us to the airport when we were ready...and it was such a sad goodbye. I've hung out with Tiffany almost every day for two years, and it was sad knowing that I wouldn't be returning to SK in January to begin our pool-workout-watch tv-clean-cook-beach-trivia routine. Matthew and I just absolutely love these two people, and all that they have brought to our lives. Thank you for your friendship; we are missing you both so very much. Sending big Xs and Os your way! Once we dried our tears, Matt G. and Tiff got into their car and drove away—leaving us to begin our journey back to the Mitten state. *sigh*

When we arrived in Miami, we did the usual: claimed our baggage, (and our dogs), went to customs and immigration...and then waited an hour for the shuttle to our hotel. Blahhh no fun, especially because the airport process is already so exhausting. Not to mention that our dogs were already anxious from being ripped out of their normal island-ey environment, and stuffed into their crates. At that point in the night, all we wanted to do was get to our hotel and let them out. Oh and on top of that, Matthew and I aren't really 'cat people' and we were completely befuddled as to what to do with Kittsy. Being a mostly outdoor cat, he doesn't use a litter box. So we did what we do with our dogs: we walked him outside on a leash. It worked. That damn cat is so cute.

After not getting much sleep, we woke up to head back to the airport where we went through the process of checking in our pets again—which means they were anxious again. And every single time we have to check our dogs, it takes about an hour or so. Not kidding. And the airline reps don't ever know exactly what they're doing, so it makes me nervous. I've had trouble trying to fly my dogs in the past which is a very long story that I will choose not to bore you with at this time.

Okay, now I'm rambling...where was I? Oh yes, Miami. Okay, so we checked in our pets, boarded our flight and arrived in Chicago. Next step? Board our flight to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Did Milo and Trooper make the connection?! They sure did! Hooray! Everything seemed to be going smoothly (for once in our lives, to which we are sooo very thankful.)

At the Grand Rapids airport, my mom and dad were there to meet us. And boy what a reunion that was! Of course, that ended early when we had to take our dogs and cat to the 'outdoor pet relief area.' When the animals 'relieved' themselves, we hopped into my dad's truck and made the three hour trek up north.

Here are some photos from our journey.

Last family photo...minus Kittsy. (He's behind us in this pic.)

You ready to leave your native island for the States, Kittsy?!

Last Stag beers for a long time. *sigh*

Clearly, St. Kitts was sad to see us go.

In Miami...waiting for our hotel shuttle.
Milo and Trooper all wrapped up in the back of my dad's truck with me and Matty.

So that's the story, folks. No major problems. Just a lot of anxiety about our dogs traveling in such chilly temperatures, and trying to figure out a routine for Kittsy. What's important, is that we made it and everyone is happy and healthy. Here's to a Happy New Year! Hope you are all having a lovely holiday season.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

{Conversations} American Segment

As mentioned in a previous blog post, Matthew and I have been busy little bees, trying to get our lives organized before heading to North Carolina for his clinical year. Among our things to do, we have had to go cell phone shopping and car shopping, (which is exhausting in so many ways). This {conversation} occurred after Matthew finished chatting with a car salesman.

Me: How'd that go?
Matthew: Good, good. He was really nice.
Me: Cool.
Matthew: He smokes but doesn't do a good job of covering it up. Hahaha, too funny.
Me: Okay...?
Matthew: His fingers smelled like weed.
Me: Ummmmmmmm...why the eff are you smelling his fingers?
Matthew: *Rolls eyes* I was sitting at the chair closest to his computer. Every time he put his hand on the mouse, the fumes were overwhelming!
Me: Yeah okay. Can we talk about something important now?
Matthew: Like what?
Me: I don't know?! How about a CAR?!

I Said, "Yes to the {Bridesmaid} Dress!"

Tiffany and Matt G. are getting married! YAY! Well, this isn't 'new' news, but it's still exciting all the same. He proposed to her in September, and Tiffany has been crazy busy trying to figure out...well, everything! Wedding planning is exhausting and a lot of work, people. But—it can also be a lot of fun.

In between her busy schedule of wedding planning and flying back and forth from St. Kitts to LA, she surprised me with a gift. A gift that asked if I would be a bridesmaid! And I said, "HELL YES!" Hehe. I felt so special when she 'popped the question'. I couldn't be happier for the two of them, and I feel honored to be a part of their special day.

Here's the pretty little red box. Oh so sparkly and festive!

Umm..yes, I know the jar is empty. It's because I ate the cupcake-in-a-jar that was in it. It was delicious!

Ericka's Birthday @ Shipwreck

Ericka celebrated her birthday at Shipwreck Beach Bar and Grill this year. And Daisy and I secretly baked and created a 'boob' cake. Hahaha. It turned out pretty good considering our resources.

Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu!

Boob cake.
Can you spot the VIP spouse? Heh heh heh.

Sea Glass Beach

Before leaving St. Kitts, Matthew and I made it a priority to visit what I call 'Sea Glass Beach.' Being a bit of an arts & crafts hoarder, it was imperative that I visit said beach and collect as much sea glass as possible. While I didn't have any specific plans for the pieces, I wanted to have options for projects once I got back into the States. So I guess you could say I was...stocking up. Yep, stocking, not hoarding. Just so we're clear...

Pretty day for a little sea glass hunting.

Look at all of that! I was in sea glass heaven.

View of the other end of the beach.

Interesting rock formation.

Jackpot, baby.

Milo and Trooper Enjoy the Beach

Alrighty folks, I'm back. Here's the beginning of the end. I have a lot of 'Our Last Days in SK' blog posts to complete, and this is the first one. Lucky for you, this one is short and sweet.

Before we left lovely/sunny/beautiful/simple Saint Kitts, we tried to get to the beach with our boys as much as possible. Here are a couple of photos of them on the Atlantic side hunting for ghost crabs.

View from the Atlantic side.

Milo diggin' diggin' diggin'.

Got one, bro!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Quick Update

Okay, so I only have a few minutes to blog because it's already wayyyy past (passed? I can never remember that grammar rule...) my bedtime and I have to get up early tomorrow. But I just wanted to quickly write an update so you didn't think we left St. Kitts and then fell off the face of the planet. I's more like we actually traveled to a different planet, but more on that later.

Moving on: Matty, Trooper, Milo, Kittsy, and I made it safely to Michigan last Tuesday. Ever since we've been back, we've been here, there, and everywhere—and we've still got a lot of things to accomplish during the last week we're here. So I guess blogging will have to wait for when I'm not busy running around trying to get our lives sorted out. Oh! Not to mention that I'm trying my hardest to readjust to the very overwhelming American lifestyle, and the Northern Michigan COLD WEATHER. Aka: I'm freezing my ass off! (Sigh)

I'll end this post with a snapshot of me and Matty from this evening. We went to my uncle's for my extended family's Christmas Eve dinner, and it was our turn in front of the tree for the annual Christmas pictures.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Xtreme Party Poster

Last Christmas, Matthew and I stayed in St. Kitts for the holiday break. And I'm not sure if you remember, but we participated in J'ouvert which is part of Carnival. I bring this up, because my friend, Brayton, saw our faces on the new Xtreme party posters for this year's Carnival events. Check it out!

Can you find our little faces? Too funny, right?! We won't be here for the events this year, but we're so glad that we were able to participate last year. To anybody staying in SK for the holiday break, take part in the cultural events while you can; we had a blast!

OISK {Conversations}

While at a new beach with Matty and the boys this morning:

Matthew: Hey what is Trooper sniffing?
Me: I don't know.
Matthew: Trooper! Drop it!
Me: Chill. He's fine.
Matthew: Are those...?
Me: What?
Matthew: ....Are those human remains?
Me: Looks like a pelvic bone.
Matthew: Oooh pick it up!
Me: You have gone and lost your mind, son.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Couple of Updates

Recent events:

Abby and I had a Ladies of Leisure going away party at Karma Beach Bar on Wednesday evening. Even though the party was just for the females, a few of the desperate househusbands happened to crash it! Well...technically, they were looking for something to do because they were bored...and I invited them. But me saying they 'crashed' our evening sounds much more dramatic and fun.

Anyway, it was so very nice to see everyone and to be out of the house. Also, Wednesday was the day that our Caribbean 'winter' began. The breeze was so strong and so cool that night. Dare I suggest we were a little...cold? Yes I know! Crazy! We experienced such a heat-blistering summer that it was nice to finally catch a break..not that I'm complaining since I will soon be back in Michigan where it's currently snowing. But back to our evening at Karma: Thanks to everyone who attended! Abby and I enjoyed your company...or maybe that was because of the free shots of tequila. Eh well. Haha, I kid. I kid.

The next event that occurred was Matthew's Transition Ceremony, which is quite similar to the White Coat Ceremony. But instead of being inducted into the veterinary medicine field with the presentation of a white coat, the students are presented with an instrument pack with their initials engraved on each piece. Fancy, huh?! I was pretty effing hungover, (wow this seems like a trend lately), but I managed to attend and enjoy the ceremony.

On Friday, Matty played in the championship flag football game. As per usual, it was Pink vs. Black, and Matty's semester/D12 team won the whole thing. Congrats girls and boys!

Lastly, I'm going to end this post with an irrelevant, but adorable photo of Kittsy and Trooper. How cute are they?

VIP group photo @ Karma.
One more try...
Jackie, Matty, and Ashley @ the Transition Ceremony.
Matty and Sharon
The NC State crew: Matty, Kirsten, Greg, Margaret, Rhiannon, and Juan
Vet Prep Crew - May 2010
D12 Flag Football Champions!
Bringing it in, one more time.
I told you they were cute...

Commence the Celebrations!

Matty's finals are O-V-E-R!!! Hooray! Yahoo! Yay! Woot woot! (I'm not sure who's more excited: me or him!?)

It's now time to live. it. up. during these last five days of SK living. Live de Life, people. 

Fun in the sun, here we come! (We gotta make sure we're looking sunkissed before we return to our gray/blue/sunless Mitten state.) :-)

Monday, December 10, 2012


It's finals week, we're leaving in 7 days, and I'm staying out of the house so Matty can study...

Matthew: You have a lot to do today.
Me: *sigh*
Matthew: If you're sober enough when you get home from your Ladies of Leisure brunch pool party shenanigans, you should sew/repair the couch cushions and the dogs' bedding.
Me: Perhaps...hey, what time does the store open?
Matthew: Early, why?
Me: I need vodka.
Matthew: Of course you do. It's 8:30 a.m. My mistake.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tamsin's 'Rainy' Baby Shower

On Sunday, I helped host a rainy-themed baby shower in Tamsin's honor. Cute, right? Well, we thought so. And one of the parents associated with the RUSVM Preparatory School offered to host the event at her home, and what a great choice that was; Caroline's home is beautiful and very spacious!

Like all parties of this nature, there was a ton of food, games, prizes, and lots of laughter. We are all so happy to have been part of Tamsin's special day, and are very much looking forward to her baby's arrival!

Here are some photos from the event:


Mason jars with blue straws and 'rain' clouds.

Caroline's husband and son worked on this beautiful creation.

I made these 'rain' clouds.

How cute is this? Morgan is responsible for this craftiness!

View from Caroline's house.

In keeping up with our 'rainy' theme, this was the guest sign-in sheet.

From left to right: Caroline, Kristin, Morgan, Tamsin, and me.

Sending best wishes to Tamsin and Brandon as their baby boy is soon to arrive...we're counting down the days until January 18th! xoxo