Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yeah, that's right. I can whip out my hand and show you where I'm from...jealous?

Since Matthew attends Ross University, I meet people from all over the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. It's really interesting to learn about different backgrounds, experiences, and locations. However, when I meet someone from Michigan, I get a little excited. My eyes glaze over, my heart overflows, and I find a special little place in my heart to store that person. I do try to maintain my composure though. Often Mateo asks me to scale it back a bit. He has indicated that I should at least try and maintain a cool demeanor so I don't scare people away once they meet me. He says this like I'm sometimes over-the-top or that I've embarrassed him. Doesn't sound like me at all...HAR HAR. What can I say? Having moved to "Never Never Land," I find joy in meeting someone like me, who knows "home."

So anyway, while out at The Strip one Friday evening, Matthew and I ran into one of our Michigander friends, Jean. I intensely suggested/requested/demanded that we whip out our mittens and snap a photo.

Take 1...terrible. Bahahhahaa---I love it.

Take 2: Much better-ish. 


  1. Haha I feel the same way about my fellow Canadians! Represent!!
    Glad I found your blog!
    P.s. I am a blog comment whore...

  2. LOL---thank you. :) I like commenting too. :)
