Monday, March 28, 2011

Reality Show

There is a group of female VIPs on this island, both from Ross and UMHS, who feel we should be on a reality show. I mean—why not? Our spouses/significant others go to school all day, and we're left to fend for a foreign country...on a tropical island. Why wouldn't people want to see the shenanigans we get ourselves into? Sounds like the makings of a great television show if you ask me.

Two titles came to mind: 

A) Real Housewives of St. Kitts

B) True Life: I live on a tropical island 

I've decided to blog once a week about each girl in our group, so you can get a feel for each character. Most of the girls I'll be introducing to you are in the photos below. Check back soon for updates.


  1. HAHA True Life: I live on a Tropical Island! I love it! I love the blog!!! St. Kitts Represent!

  2. Thanks, Di!! I'm thinking about featuring you first. :)
