Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5th*Semester Update

As fifth semester is winding down, I just realized that I never blogged about Matthew's classes! I found a blog post that I started in January and never finished; it was hiding in the, 'drafts,' section of my blog posts. Silly me. Better late than never...right?

So, here we go:

Small Animal Medicine: In this class, he's learning about specific diseases and conditions that are common in the veterinary field.
Toxicology: According to Matthew, "It's amazing what can harm your pet(s): plants, chemicals, metals...ugh."
Anesthesiology: So far, he's received hands-on experience with a dog and a sheep in a group setting, which he was pretty excited about. He finally gets to touch animals. Bahahahahahhaa!
Diagnostic Imaging: Here is where they learn to position small/large animals to be able to take radiographs and perform ultrasounds, and decipher them.
Intro to Clinics: This class involves performing physical exams on horses, sheep, and doggies.
Clincial Skills: Matthew has been hard at work practicing suture patterns and tying knots. He'll need to utilize this information next semester when he takes 'The Rossie,' which is essentially a mock spay.

Okay, that's the update. With about three weeks left, I'm glad I finally got this baby posted!

Here's a photo of Matthew and his assistant, (me), working away the afternoon. 

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