Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Matthew: I had MC Hammer pants and really dorky glasses back in the day. Oh, and racing stripes in my hair.
Me: I cannot believe your parents thought that was stylish.
Matthew: Well, it was. Hello, 1980s.
Me: Oh yeah...oh right. 
Matthew: And...I had a fanny pack. We were one fanny-pack sportin' family.
Me: You did? I did too!
Matthew: Those things are genius.
Me: No kidding right? Talk about hands-free and convenient. And no back pain. Have you ever tried running with a backpack? UGH. No thanks. I could around for run miles with my fanny pack!
Matthew: With one quick zip, I'd have everything I would need to go on an adventure. No backpack needed.
Me: We sound like an infomercial. 


  1. HAHAHAHA this is amazing! For the record, I currently own a fanny pack, and use it regularily. Why? Because I'm awesome.

  2. I will soon be back on the fanny pack train.
