Saturday, October 1, 2011


I've decided to add a segment to this blog involving conversations that I find myself laughing at when I think about them later on in the day. If they don't seem funny to you, you probably weren't there, or know the people involved. But that's okay, because it's my blog, and I'm really the only one who reads this anyway...besides maybe mi madre.

A nearly new exchange between Diana and I—regarding her upcoming swimsuit shopping strategies.

Me: Hmmm...medium bottom, small top.
Di: A small? Really?
Me: Yep.
Di: Are you sure? I mean...this, [pointing to herself], is a size small and I feel like I'm popping out of it.
Me: Righhhht. Yes, well, some of us prefer that.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha!! I hope you are enjoying your new SMALL black bathing suit top!! Canada Represent!!
