Thursday, June 21, 2012


Matty and I recently had a visitor from the Mitten. Stacey, who I met in undergrad, came to visit us for five days, and we had a fabulous time. I promise to blog about her vacation soon. In the mean time, please enjoy this {Conversations} segment.

{Conversations} Part I:

Me: Okay, I picked up wings for appetizers. We can snack on these while I make pumpkin soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Matthew: That's...a lot of food. We should just have the soup and the wings.

Stacey: I don't care what you do. I'm good with whatever.

Me: Uhhh, we're having sandwiches too, Matthew. Deal with it.

A few minutes later...

Me: Uhhh, we're not going to have sandwiches after all. I'm okay with just soup and wings.

Matthew & Stacey: What made you change your mind?

Me: I just got scared that I wouldn't be able to eat a piece of chocolate cake if I made us the grilled cheese portion. Priorities, you know?

{Conversation} Part II:

Stacey skyped with her parents one evening to check in and tell them about her vacation adventures.

Stacey: Mom! I snorkeled today and it was so cool. I saw a lot of sea creatures. At first I wasn't sure how I would do with snorkeling because of the mouth breathing, but I did just fine. Remember the last time I went snorkeling? What a disaster!!

Laura (Stacey's mom): No.

Stacey: Uhhh hello! It was when we went on that cruise, and I had an asthma attack and you had to pull me out of the water. That's when we found out I was asthmatic!

Laura: Stacey...that wasn't snorkeling. You were in ten inches of water.

Hope you enjoyed. I'm still laughing as I read these... ;)

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