Thursday, October 25, 2012

7th Semester Update

Matty's Crazy Schedule

We are already half-way through the semester, people. This week, Matthew has an emergency rotation and his schedule for that is:

Wednesday: On-call: 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Thankfully, he didn't get called.)
Thursday: Work: 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Friday: Work: 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: Work: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sound like a couple of long days/nights to you? Yeah, well, this is just his schedule for his emergency rotation. He still has other responsibilities like going to class and SOAPing his sheep twice a day at 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., every single day. By the way, SOAPing stands for: subjective, objective, assessment, plan. Basically this means that the students have to check on their sheep and provide a least I think that's what happens. Anyway, SOAPing occurs on the weekends too. Blah! I'd be so exhausted if I were him. Well, he is, but he's much less of a sour patch than I would be.

Soooo essentially, he left this morning at 6:15 a.m., and probably won't be home until sometime after midnight! What am I doing in the mean time, you ask? Well, actually, both Daisy and Tiffany are in California this week, so they aren't around to hang out with me. However, since Tiff is gone, her dogs need tending to while her student is in class, so I've been helping with that. I also started reading a new book series by Ally Condie called Matched. I finished the first book the other day, and am on the second one currently. I also caught up on all of the Dexter seasons. Other than that, just the usual stay-at-home daily life things: cook, clean, hang out with the pets, blog, bake, etc. 

NC State

I actually don't have a lot of updates regarding this...haha. We haven't found a place to live yet, and we aren't sure when we're going to move there. What I do know, is that he begins rotations January 14, 2013, and his orientation starts on January 9th. 

Island Life

I haaaaaaaaaate mosquitoes. I actually believe that they are little aliens. Recently, they very irritatingly made their presence known by swarming me in our laundry room, and biting me about a million times. Matty and I are also finding a lot of them in our house, which is crazy because we are usually very mosquito-free due to our intense hate for them. We don't leave our door open past 5:00 p.m. and if we go in and out after it's dark, you run in and run out! There isn't any of this 'lingering' business. And I'm telling you, our mosquito-hunting skills are now in our genes and will be passed on to our kid(s). Anyway, I think there's been an increase in numbers because of Tropical Storm Rafael and all the rain we received...creates lots of opportunities for those pesky mosquitoes to breed in the stagnant ponds of water. Also, Matthew recently cut our grass, and I think that stirred something up in their little communities. 

Okay, I think that's about it. I'll wrap up this post with a few photos of our island cat, Kitsy. He has certainly adopted us, (against our will), and has also managed to make our home, his home.



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