Monday, September 10, 2012

7th Semester is Moving Right Along

Today was a big day for Matty because he experienced his first surgery rotation of 7th semester. I could tell he was excited about it because he woke me up this morning to get my opinion on his outfit. I could barely understand what was going on at first. Wake me up early to check on his outfit? WTF? Does he have a death wish? But then I realized he was serious when he was staring at me with a hopeful expression and pointing at his clothes. I told him he looked cute and rolled back over. (As far as I could tell without my contacts or glasses, he really did look neat and professional.)

Anyway, he was gone all day long, which is quite the change from 6th semester. Also, he and Sharon are surgery rotation partners, and they have to spay a kitten this Thursday! Talk about jumping right in and getting the ball rolling. (It's only week two.) Good luck to them; I know they'll do a great job.

In other news, it was not a 'big' day for me. I spent most of the day watching HGTV, hanging out with Milo and Trooper, cleaning, and gathering items to sell to other Rossies. Because life is so transitional down here, household items get recycled a lot. Things I purchased from former Ross students two years ago, are now being photographed and posted again. I actually kind of laughed out loud when I posted my 'Items for Sale' photo album on Facebook this evening. I know that all of my Ross friends won't think it's strange that I'm selling a Cuisinart mini chopper from 1998, but all of my other friends who are stateside probably think it's a little weird. It's just a different kind of lifestyle down here, and every semester, there are 7th semester students and VIPs who need to market their stuff to potential buyers (incoming 1st semester students who have nothing). It's quite the cycle...of recycling.

As I was walking around our apartment snapping photos of random things, our porch cat, Kitsy, decided he wanted a little camera time. Or at least was interested in what I was holding up to my eye. Such a funny feline.

I was trying to take a photo of the blue step stool behind him, when he leapt up to swat at the camera. 

Lastly, we will soon find out where we're headed for Matthew's clinical year. Supposedly, Friday is the day we'll be told of our upcoming location. When Matty submitted his preferences last week, he/we chose:

Colorado State University
North Carolina State University
Oregon State University

We do know that we will not be heading to Oregon because if he had been presented to that school, we would have heard from them last Friday, and we did not. I suppose our dreams of moving out West will have to be on hold for a bit longer. Unless of course we get into Colorado. That's West-ish. We've tried not to get attached to any one place because the clinical placement process seems complicated and a bit of a crap shoot. For all we know, we could be headed to Oklahoma. ;)

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