Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beach Volleyball

The beach volleyball tournament for Semester Olympics was postponed until September 16th. The VIPers, (the team I play for), lost in the second match against Purple Semester, but we still had a lot of fun under that hot Caribbean sun!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Catherine, my name is Erin and my husband is applying to Ross Vet School within the coming year. I'm excited to have found a few blogs by student wives and not just the students themselves! Would you be able to send me any information about being the wife of a student? I haven't been able to find much information about married student housing, work opportunities, residency visas, etc. and it's got me very worried. I would really appreciate any advice you could send. My regular email address is (And my husband's name is Matthew too!) Thank you so so so so so much! -Erin Chesnut
