Sunday, May 15, 2011

Semester Olympics

Ross University hosts an event titled, "Semester Olympics," during the first week of each semester. Classes one through seven compete in Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball, and Mr. RUSVM. The winning class earns $1000 towards their seventh semester banquet. Luckily for we VIPs, we're included in these events too. (The VIP team isn't included in winning any money. We just play for fun.) Our color is yellow and our teams are comprised of spouses/significant others as well as Ross faculty and staff.

I participated in every sport, surprisingly. Playing soccer was an obvious choice because A) I love it and B) I play intramural each semester. Since I had played volleyball on Fridays during the last few months, I figured I'd play that as well. However, taking part in ultimate frisbee and flag football was not expected. To be eligible to play, each team has to have at least one girl playing at all times. There aren't many female VIPs who find sports to be fun, so it was up to Kori, Hope, and me to participate. I'm happy to report that ultimate frisbee and flag football were a lot of fun! Matthew was especially happy that I joined in on the football because I've never understood the game, nor cared much about it. What can I say? I prefer soccer. But it was pretty cool to get a player's perspective of the game.

Okay, that's enough boring chatter about sports. Here are some photos:

Cool glasses huh?

Black (3rd Semester) VS. Pink (4th Semester)

Little Sophie is cheering on Green (2nd Semester).

Doggie Line-up. 
Island Lights
Matty and Taylor. Congrats to 3rd Semester for winning flag football!
Here's 3rd Semester playing 5th Semester (Blue). 

1 comment:

  1. this looks so fun! (to watch...Lord knows I can't play sports) Love the glasses!!
