Sunday, May 15, 2011

Doggie Bed Part II

Milo and Trooper were sad that I had handcrafted a special doggie bed for my friend's dogs, so I was guilted into creating one for them too. Or maybe I was just bored...

Anywho, I took some scraps of fabric and made one for them to in they have to take turns using it because I didn't measure correctly. Whatevs. Beggars can't be choosers.

And here it is...

And Then I Went to Janae's

The Ranes family is soon leaving St. Kitts, so we're trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible. Thus, we decided to have one last Dance Central party at their house. We then continued on the party at Bamboo Lounge. Diana and I ended our nights there, but the Ranes and Williams families decided to go back to the Crackhouses and swim in the pool. Apparently Diana and I were in the mood to dance and not swim. Haha.

Here's some of our Dance Central group. Haha. 

Great group of girls, if you ask me. :)

Semester Olympics

Ross University hosts an event titled, "Semester Olympics," during the first week of each semester. Classes one through seven compete in Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball, and Mr. RUSVM. The winning class earns $1000 towards their seventh semester banquet. Luckily for we VIPs, we're included in these events too. (The VIP team isn't included in winning any money. We just play for fun.) Our color is yellow and our teams are comprised of spouses/significant others as well as Ross faculty and staff.

I participated in every sport, surprisingly. Playing soccer was an obvious choice because A) I love it and B) I play intramural each semester. Since I had played volleyball on Fridays during the last few months, I figured I'd play that as well. However, taking part in ultimate frisbee and flag football was not expected. To be eligible to play, each team has to have at least one girl playing at all times. There aren't many female VIPs who find sports to be fun, so it was up to Kori, Hope, and me to participate. I'm happy to report that ultimate frisbee and flag football were a lot of fun! Matthew was especially happy that I joined in on the football because I've never understood the game, nor cared much about it. What can I say? I prefer soccer. But it was pretty cool to get a player's perspective of the game.

Okay, that's enough boring chatter about sports. Here are some photos:

Cool glasses huh?

Black (3rd Semester) VS. Pink (4th Semester)

Little Sophie is cheering on Green (2nd Semester).

Doggie Line-up. 
Island Lights
Matty and Taylor. Congrats to 3rd Semester for winning flag football!
Here's 3rd Semester playing 5th Semester (Blue). 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Doggie Bed

A lot of my friends know that I like getting crafty and that it's something I like to do weekly and I've even had a few girls over to craft with me. Just another way to spend island time...and procrastinate cleaning the apartment—or cooking for that matter. So when my friend, Kristen, hired me to make a doggie bed for her, I got excited.

I am happy to report that I finally sat down to work on it today, and hooray---the project is finished and it turned out nicely.

Trooper modeling the new bed for Kristen's dogs.

Milo was all about it. I think he wants one for himself now...


I have found myself an entirely new hobby and it's called pinning. You Charlie Sheen, winning but sort of not...or not at all.

Anyway, I like to bookmark anything and everything I find online that inspires me. (You know---recipes, crafting & sewing tutorials, interesting images/photos, etc.) In addition to that, I often email myself links and ideas. As you can imagine, it's been difficult to keep all of these bookmarks and emails organized. Not to mention that I'm famous for, "Ooooooooh. I totally forgot about that idea! I need to try that soon." Yeah, okay. Until I forget about it again and find the email from 2006 seven years later. What's the solution to this craziness? Pinterest, folks.

What is Pinterest, you ask? The About section on their web site states:

Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste. People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it. We know you have great taste in something. Our mission is to make Pinterest the best place for you to share your taste with the world.

Basically, you install "Pin It," onto your bookmarks bar and when you come across something you want to save for later, you click "Pin It," write a little description of what you're pinning, and then designate it to a category of your choice. Done and done. Trust me, it's amazing and user-friendly. Anyone can join Pinterest but it's currently invite-only. I may or may not know a way around this. So if you're interested, leave me a comment. Or, just wait for your own invite---whatever works for you.

Give Pinterest a chance if you're a serial bookmarker like me...but don't say I didn't warn you about it being addicting. 

P.S. Click here to see my Pinterest boards and pins.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

P.S. The Royal Wedding

I forgot to mention in my, What We Did on Semester Break blog post, that I watched the Royal Wedding live (on tv). Besides being completely fascinated by the Royals, it made sense to tune in since St. Kitts is part of the Commonwealth nation that England oversees. Therefore, Janae, the sweetheart that she is, invited several girls over to watch it together. So yes...I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and headed over to her house. We feasted on scones and muffins as the beautiful couple exchanged their vows. Side note: I must have been delirious due to being up so early because I failed to take any photos. The pictures below are from Miss Janae. I was also a little disappointed in my fashionista self for leaving my coat dress and fascinator back in the US. I was completely and embarrassingly underdressed. Silly me!

I guess we fell asleep...hehe. I'm telling you---it was the choir music that caused this!


Matthew's third semester line-up is as follows:

Pharmacology I
Bacteriology I
Virology I
Pathology I

Unlike second semester, Matthew and his classmates have a 'better' schedule. On Mondays and Wednesdays, they have class until 3:00 p.m. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, they get out around noon. I'm going to go ahead and say that although they will be heading home at earlier times this semester, Matthew will still be busy studying in order to compensate for the extra time. However, I'm sure he'll want to sneak out to do some snorkeling every once in a while. Hehe.

What We Did on Semester Break

Matthew and I spent his semester break here on the island...and it was a fun/relaxing/busy two weeks.

Oh wait. Let me back up. First of all, Matthew passed all of his finals with flying colors. Hooray!

Okay, moving on. The first week of break was spent relaxing, beaching, snorkeling, bbq-ing, etc. It truly felt like the two of us were on a legit vacation. We didn't have any major responsibilities, and it was nice to wake up and say, "What do you want to do today?" Not that this lifestyle is particularly different for me, since I'm not working yet, but it was nice for Matthew to have a completely open schedule.

Celebrating the end of the semester at Shipwreck Beach. 
Shipwreck Beach Bar/Restaurant
Trooper at Gong Beach underneath his trusty RUSVM umbrella. 

We also managed to get over to Daisy and Ericka's new place on the hill. 

Yep—that's their pool.

What an amazing view!!

Another thing we did was head to Shiggidy Shack to see the infamous Fire Man. On Thursdays, this particular restaurant hosts a huge bonfire and sets up beach chairs for a relaxing evening. It's a really fun atmosphere sans the Fire Man. The performance was lame, but we had a great time regardless.

On Saturday, April 30th, Kait was our first newbie to arrive. And thus—Matthew's OL duties began. We picked her up at the airport, brought her to her dorm, drove her to the grocery store, helped her shop, drove her back to the dorm, helped her put her groceries away, and then had her over for dinner. In the meantime we had maintenance check out her dorm room and deal with a puddle of water near her bathroom. 

On Sunday, May 1st, the rest of Mateo's group flew into St. Kitts. The week was a bit of blur, what with keeping tabs on everyone, running a million errands, and trying to show them a good time. We managed to have dinner out at the Marriott's Pizza Shack, Sunset Cafe, Sprat Net, the Marriott's sports bar, and Rock Lobster. We also brought them to Port Zante, Basseterre, Brimstone Fortress, Shipwreck Beach, Reggae Beach, Caribelle Batik, and on a trek through the woods to the ever-popular bat cave. In between all of this, they had lectures to attend, grocery store trips, and Ross-related paperwork to fill out including the processing of their student visas. Oooooh---let's not forget that they were able to see "Water for Elephants," for free and that we brought them to Bobsy's on Wednesday for KARAOKE! Yeah, baby. :)

Matthew in Orientation Leader form. Nice polo!
Here's the group, and Showtime---our driver.
Dinner with the group at Sunset Cafe.

I heart Brimstone.
Mateo was on his phone alllllllll week.

We came across this 'pub' on the island tour.
Sunset at Sprat Net.
Group snapshot. They loved Sprat Net. :)

Bat cave hike.

Nam and Cynthia singing the crowd-pleaser, "Don't Stop Believin'."

And here's Momma Hen rockin' out. Typical Wednesday big deal. :-P

School starts back up tomorrow and Matthew and I are hoping our 'kids,' feel pretty good about beginning a new chapter in their lives. We are so happy that we were able to help acclimate them to the island and get them ready for their Ross careers.