Monday, May 7, 2012

Mini Sakoutis-Seerley

I am convinced that this island is a very fertile place because there happen to be a lot of new mommies or moms-to-be among our Ross community these days. On that note, I'm excited to finally share the news that my friend, (and fellow Lady of Leisure), Stephanie, is pregnant!

Rob and Steph's baby is due in November, but she will be leaving St. Kitts in August. While I will miss her very much, I am thankful that she is documenting her pregnancy with a blog which you can follow here.

Now looking back, there were plenty of clues, but I never put the puzzle pieces together. For example, she had mentioned several times that she wasn't feeling very well---which is unlike her---but I didn't think much of it. I also hadn't seen her much, but March and April were busy months for her because she had so many visitors. 

Coincidentally, I had a very vivid dream that Stephanie was pregnant and that I learned about it via a blog post, and was pretty affronted, (in my dream, that is). I felt that I at least deserved a one-on-one announcement. I'm no commoner! A few weeks after I had my dream, I told Stephanie about it at trivia one night in a OMG-I-Had-This-Crazy-Dream-About-You-And-I-Can't-Believe-I-Keep-Forgetting-To-Tell-You kind of way. 

Me: What a funny dream, right?!
Steph: Ohhh...yeah. Very strange. I'd absolutely tell you in person if that were true. Haaaah.

Poor Steph! When I was spouting out this information, she was indeed pregnant and aware of it. What can I say? You can always count on me to keep things awkward.

And then, one afternoon Tiffany, Jessie, and I felt like having an arts & crafts day. Stephanie initially declined due to not feeling well, but eventually said she was feeling better, and even hosted the impromptu event at her house.

Me (mindlessly making a friendship bracelet): So, Steph---how are you feeling? Better, huh?
Steph: Yeah...a little. 
Me: Oh good, good.
Steph: Remember that dream you had about me being pregnant? 
Me (slightly distracted by my yarn pieces): Uh yeah. Yep.
Steph: Well my cousin, Lia, had the same dream, which is funny, and you guys must be psychic because I am...pregnant.

My head immediately jerked upwards, I dropped what I was doing, stole glances at Jessie and Tiffany, and exclaimed:

WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? I being punk'd???

Stephanie: No, you are not being punk'd. I am pregnant!

Of course, we all jumped up, hugged her and wished her the biggest congratulations. Such exciting news! We could not be happier for her. And while we all sit, wait, and count down the months until her sweet baby arrives, we've been scouring Pinterest for baby ideas. Not a bad way to spend some free time, if you ask me. 


  1. so saw this and thought your were due! HAHA

  2. I love your post as it has to do with my soon to be new grandchild. Thanks for keeping an eye out for Stephanie for me.
