Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swimming Lessons

On Tuesday, Diana and I decided to start swimming laps at her 'Crackhouse' Pool. Always looking for a way to hang out and to incorporate a little exercise into our lives, we figured that swimming laps would be perfect. We'd get to splash around in the pool, enjoy the sunshine, and burn some calories. It turns out that this was a great plan, and we're going to continue with this activity. We swam about 15 laps to start and then worked on perfecting our butterfly stroke and our flip turns. Oh yeah, we be gettin' nerdy in de pool.

And off we go!

Workin' on our butterfly stroke...LOL.

So proFESH.


  1. HAHAHA. This reminds me of the "Darling Mermaid Darlings." You-tube them, and then perform a synchronized routine with Diana please. This will take nerdy-ness to a very high level. It is also nice to see pictures of "home."

  2. Hahaha your butterfly stroke is so much better than mine! I clearly need the practice!

    Next Tuesday. Crackhouses. Swimsuits. Goggles. Energy. Be there.
