Saturday, August 20, 2011

End of 3rd Semester

Thursday marked the end of finals and the end of third semester. Can you believe it? Final grades were scheduled to be released on Saturday at noon, but somebody found out on Friday that they were already posted. The news spread like wildfire, and before I knew it, I woke up from my nap and saw Mateo turning on his laptop. Apparently our neighbor, Peter, knocked on our door and quickly uttered the long-awaited words, "The grades are up." With a mix of nervousness, anxiousness, and fear—Mateo checked his grades................and he did really really well!

Since Matthew wrapped up the semester with high marks, I feel really good about our upcoming vacation, and he does too. No worries to be had by anyone! On Monday, we leave for the Seattle area, or more specifically---Federal Way, Washington. We are going to be staying with our friend, Heather, and exploring the state. I am so excited!

Priorities while in America:

1. Get a haircut
2. Shop
3. Consume American food

I have not been back to the U.S. since January, so I'm really looking forward to sinking back into American culture, if only for a week. The weather is suppose to be beautiful, so I'm hoping I'll be able to drag Matthew back to our little tropical island. Haha.

I, on the other hand, have no problem returning to these views:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swimming Lessons

On Tuesday, Diana and I decided to start swimming laps at her 'Crackhouse' Pool. Always looking for a way to hang out and to incorporate a little exercise into our lives, we figured that swimming laps would be perfect. We'd get to splash around in the pool, enjoy the sunshine, and burn some calories. It turns out that this was a great plan, and we're going to continue with this activity. We swam about 15 laps to start and then worked on perfecting our butterfly stroke and our flip turns. Oh yeah, we be gettin' nerdy in de pool.

And off we go!

Workin' on our butterfly stroke...LOL.

So proFESH.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Vagabond Mother

You may remember my friend, Janae—former resident and fellow desperate housewife of Saint Kitts. She's a wonderful wife, mother, friend, photographer, blogger, etc. And that is why I am sharing the fact that she is currently hosting a contest with a fun little giveaway. Help her efforts in gaining followers, and you could very well win yourself a prize.

Here's her blog link:

Don't be shy! Click on the link for deets regarding the contest.

Janae and me—when she was still on-island. :)

Mr. Mason Jones

Our friends, Diane and Matt Jones, are soon leaving the island—and heading to Madison, Wisconsin! Although they are from Maryland, they'll be moving to Wisco because that is where Matt has been placed for his clinical year. I could not be more excited for them!

Last Saturday, Mateo and I babysat their son, Mason, while they attended their RUSVM 7th Semester Banquet. We love Mason, and we had a lot of fun watching him. He is so darn cute, and such a good little boy. Matthew and I were very entertained by his story-telling and adamant opinions.

Here's Mason with our phones. I think he wanted to call his parents to check on them. 

Look at those cheekies!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Turkey...A Goat's Tale

Last Friday, Matthew's flag football team played UMHS in a championship game. Students, friends, spouses, and pets attended the event to support their teams. Among the spectators was Turkey...Turkey the goat! It is not uncommon to foster other animals on this island besides dogs and cats. Seeing as though goats and sheep run wild on this island very much like canines and felines, it's easy to encounter a stray. Currently, Turkey is residing with the King family and enjoying life in a safe and friendly environment.

Sharon and Turkey

Matthew's flag football team---they lost.

I tried to get a nice photo with Turkey...FAIL.