Saturday, July 16, 2011

Snorkeling for Starfish

While routinely checking my Facebook account the other day, I saw newly posted photos of my friend, Tracey, with her hands full of starfish, or sea stars, as they are sometimes called. Upon viewing the pictures, I immediately asked her where she had spotted the pretty little sea creatures. Lucky for me, she was planning on going snorkeling this morning, and she invited me to tag along. Holla that.

Tracey, along with her friend, Albeisa, stopped by to pick me up at about 10:00 a.m., and we headed to Shipwreck beach. We walked down to the former dolphin enclosure and starting snorkeling. Although the water was a little murky, I spotted four or five starfish. It was so exciting! 

We gathered the sea stars, made sure to handle them gently and carefully, and then took lots of photos. After our fun, we set the starfish free. It was a great way to start a Saturday.


  1. WOW!! These pictures are soooo beautiful! Very St. Kitts-esque! Love it!

  2. this could be reason enough for me to come back and visit. how did i not know about this!?

  3. Thanks ladies. :) It was a lot of fun. Rasta Di, we need to rally up the housewives and plan a trip to go. Kristen---yes, you need to come back and this is one of the many reasons why. ;)
